Holland & Clark: Recording!
2017 has been so beautiful.
We went into the Village Recorder with Burl Audio on Star Wars Day, May the 4th to record a couple original tunes, “What Is Dark” and “Reach For Me”. You’ll be hearing the latter in January, as it’s coming out on the first ever Burl Audio compilation. Here are some pics by Piero F. Giunti from that day:
The Burl Audio session was engineered by Robert Carranza, who was the engineer on my first band, The Peak Show’s, album for Atlantic Records. He liked the new songs and invited us into his studio at Brushfire Records. We’ve got 5, yes, 5 more original tunes on the way!! The plan is to share them with the world party in 2018, and boy, am I glad. Here are some bits by Jairus Lyons from those sessions:
We, as Daddy & The Ladies, played hours of cover songs at Cheetah’s again…magic…
Bonus round from HM157: “Be Good To Me” performed by Holland & Clark, written by Sia & Clark:

Holland & Clark play “Be Good To Me”